The Confession by John Grisham

One more unputdownable from Grisham. Nothing grips like Grisham!
An extra ordinary story. Grisham’s best yet: An innocent man is days from execution… only a guilty man can save him! But how can a guilty man convince lawyers, judges, and politicians that they’re about to execute an innocent man?
What I have here is not a review of the book, but some great lines from the book that I liked. Hope you enjoy them 🙂
If you don’t have the facts, yell…
I’m a criminal defence lawyer, Judge. Optimism is not in my DNA.
With the Monk, it was always safer to use as few words as possible. He was brilliant in taking the loose ones, piecing them together, and tying them around your neck.
He has his eye on a Senate seat, and he counts votes before he chooses what to eat for breakfast.
He did not have the authority to order people around on a Friday night, but his powers of persuasion were more than enough.
Neither spoke. No one spoke because there was absolutely nothing to say. There were a thousand thoughts.
The machinery was well-oiled and efficient. It was in motion, and there was no way to stop it.
They feed us crap that most dogs would run from.
His execution is nothing more than a legal lynching.
“It’s your choice, Pastor.” “I’m not sure why I’m supposed to make the decision.” “It’s very simple. You have the car, the gas, the driver’s license. I have nothing but the truth.”
Society wants to lock us up and throw away the key, but society is too stupid to realise we’ll eventually get out.
The last meal, the last walk, the last statement. Donte had never understood the significance of these final details.
The fierce athlete was gone, replaced by the broken prisoner.
Certainty had become a fuzzy concept, but he was reasonably certain he would be…
The woods became thicker, the trees younger and closer together.
He bared his soul, admitted he was wrong, and asked them to pray for him. He seemed genuinely humbled and distressed.
Suddenly, confronting social injustice was far more important than making his flock feel good each Sunday. He was tired of playing it safe.
Nothing you do out here on the streets will help our people. Violence creates more violence, and in the end we lose. Please, go home and hug your mother.
I’m not sure the Drumm story can take any more ink, but your story will certainly be a new wrinkle.
The air was heavy with sadness, but not the sadness that comes from loss. This was a sadness born of anger and injustice.
I offer a sincere and thoroughly inadequate apology to the Drumm family.