Funny, but ten useful rules for career success

- Business is made up of ambiguous victories and nebulous defeats. Claim them all as victories.
- Never confuse a memo with reality. Most memos from the top are political fantasy.
- Keep track of what you do; someone is sure to ask.
- Write down ideas; they get lost, like good pens.
- Assume no one can / will keep a secret.
- Know when you do your best—morning, night, under pressure, relaxed; schedule and prioritize your work accordingly.
- The size of your office is not as important as the size of your pay cheque.
- Never appear stressed in front of a client, a customer or your boss. Take a deep breath and ask yourself: In the course of human events, how important is this?
- Understand what finished work looks like and deliver your work only when it is finished.
- If you get the entrepreneurial urge, visit someone who has his own business. It may cure you.
Selected from a long list of Richard Moran